A day of joy and terror
October 15th 2016 was an interesting day, to say the least!
Our twin grandbabies were born 12 weeks prematurely - at 25+6 gestation. It was a miraculous, terrifying, emotional, wonderful day. I was fortunate to be in New York for the birth (thanks to my amazing son-in-law!) to witness these tiny little humans start their journey in the world.
I've never seen such tiny babies before and I was torn between absolute joy at their birth and absolute terror that they wouldn't survive! All credit must go to the incredible NICU staff at Vassar Brothers Medical Centre in Poughkeepsie, and to the twins' superb parents - our daughter and son-in-law.
The twins, Oliver and Abigail, have fought off bacterial meningitis (Oliver) and MRSA (Abigail) and continued to grow and get stronger, all thanks to the wonderful care they received.
These tiny little scraps (birth-weight 2lb2oz and 1lb13oz) are now nearly 4 months old, over 7lb each, and thriving, just like newborns should, and we couldn't love them more if our lives depended on it!